Dewald Alberts staff spotlight graphic

This week's staff highlight recognizes Truman Elementary ENL Teacher, Dewald Alberts. Read Dewald's bio below!

"I am originally from South Africa and began teaching in Thailand in 2018. Although I began my teaching journey as a fifth-grade math teacher and later a sixth-grade ELA teacher, I have always been an ENL teacher at heart due to my students being mostly English language learners (and being an ELL myself). This led me to begin specializing in ENL and has brought me to Lackawanna where I teach K-1 ENL at Truman elementary school.

I enjoy thinking outside of the box and try to use my past experiences abroad to get the job done. Outside of teaching, I also film and edit videos for Truman's One School Many Books program where we film readings of our favorite books for families to view outside of school."