Truman Times

October 2024

Link to full Truman Times newsletter:

At Truman Elementary School, the BEST team has begun conducting focused lessons on what it looks like and sounds like to be a Bucket Filler! Bucket Filling A-Z, by Carol McCloud is a mentor text we use to guide our interactive lessons with your children on how to enact the Truman Bucket Filler B’s. See below:

Bucket Filler B's: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe

Steeler Standards: Be respectful, responsible, safe, and kind.

Looking ahead to the rest of the month, we have the following events taking place:

Friday, October 4: Early Release

All Truman students will be released 15 minutes early.

Parent Pick Up (only for today!) 2:50 PM

Bus Dismissal (only for today!) 3:05 PM

Wednesday, October 9: PTA Meeting #2 (LINK)

  • Teams Meeting ID: 251 598 406 92

  • Teams Meeting Passcode: M3z4QB 

Friday, October 11: Fire and Safety Prevention

Wednesday, October 16: Truman Parent Advisory Team Meeting #1

Wednesday, October 23: Red Ribbon Week Theme: Rally in RED! Wear all red.

Thursday, October 24: Red Ribbon Week Theme: Hats off to Making Healthy Choices. Wear your favorite hat and Truman Bucket Filler Assemblies.

Friday, October 25: Red Ribbon Week Theme: Team up and Make Healthy Choices. Wear your favorite jersey.

Monday, October 28: Red Ribbon Week Theme: #onelackawanna Wear Truman or Lackawanna gear.

Tuesday, October 29: Red Ribbon Week Theme: Stand Strong and Make Healthy Choices. Wear your favorite socks.

Wednesday, October 30: Red Ribbon Week Theme: Making Healthy Choices. Wear your favorite exercise clothes.

Thursday, October 31: Red Ribbon Week and Halloween Parade Theme: Have Fun Making Healthy Choices. Pack your Halloween Costume and change at school!