Students stand on Martin Road stage

MARTIN ROAD SCHOLARS, ARE YOU READY TO READ? Today we kicked off our One School, One Book initiative with the grand unveiling of our newest reading venture, A Boy Called BAT. A Boy Called BAT tells the story of Bixby Alexander Tam, nicknamed BAT. He is a young boy on the autism spectrum whose life is turned upside down when this veterinarian mother brings home a baby skunk to foster for a month.

Bat becomes determined to convince his mom to let him keep the skunk as a pet. This novel will take students through the journey of Bat navigating challenges at both home and at school.

Our students will begin reading on Monday, March 3 through Monday, March 24. Each student will receive a copy of A Boy Called BAT as well as a family packet that contains a reading schedule, QR code to view guest readers each night, and at-home activities. At school, students will be challenged to daily trivia questions, providing the students to opportunity to win some neat prizes. We wonder which grade level will win the first week's trivia competition!

New for this session, there are fun, weekly activities included in the family packet as well as a BINGO Board that can all be turned on special days to earn prizes. And, of course, we will have our school-wide Blooket celebration at the conclusion of our reading. Which class will be the winner for our Spring One School, One Book? Stay tuned!

Student poses with new bookStudents gather for One School One Book assemblyStudents pose for a photo with a skunk mascot