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In an effort to give regular updates on what is happening inside the schools, Lackawanna City School District invites the community to our Board of Education meetings and work sessions, where administrators will give updates on the progress of our schools.

It's part of the Where we started, Where we are not, Where will we be going series.

Citizens, parents and students are encouraged to attend these meetings and/or stop by the Superintendent's webpage to see each BOE presentation: Office of the Superintendent

For the full schedule of Board Meeting Dates, click here: Board Schedule | Lackawanna City School District

LCSD BOE Presentations:


  • January 13: Work Session- Tim Paluch & Betsy Giangreco- Interview Process for Middle School Principal

  • January 16: Board Meeting- Jennifer English- Where did we start? Where are we now? Where are we going next? (Communication. Extended Learning. Attendance)


  • February 10: Work Session- Melinda Cebulski- Office of Central Registration, Language Assessment/Welcoming Center (and how we are Supporting Account Clerk Typists)

  • February 13: Board Meeting- Ashli Krotz- Where did we start? Where are we now? Where are we going next? (the office of Special Education (Sped Dept. Teacher Aides, Students with Differing Abilities’ Safety Plans)


  • March 13: Board Meeting- Jennifer Springer & Adam Janczyk- How are we preparing our students for Tomorrow’s Job Market?


  • April 7: Work Session- Adriann Johnson- Where did it start? Where are we now? Where are we going next? (Office of Personnel & Safety (HR, Safety, ISS/Cellphones))

  • April 10: Board Meeting- Martin Road Elementary- Career Exploration


  • May 21: Work Session- Mike Brown & Nicole Balon- Where did we start? Where are we now? Where are we going next? (in the Office of Buildings & Grounds (Overtime))

  • May 21: Board Meeting- Lisa Blake & School Counselor- Career Development can start as early as Pre-K!


  • June 9: Work Session- Tim Paluch- Where did we start? Where are we now? Where are we going next? (the Office of School Improvement)

  • June 12: Board Meeting- Betsy Giangreco- Where did we start? Where are we now? Where are we going next? (Office of Instruction)

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