The NYS Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, school district, or county office of education in recognition of students who have attained a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in two or more languages by high school graduation, one of which must be English.
The intent of the NYSSB is to encourage the study of languages, to identify high school graduates with language and biliteracy skills for employers, to provide universities with additional information about applicants seeking admission and placement, to prepare students with twenty-first-century skills, to recognize the value of language instruction, and to affirm the value of diversity in a multilingual society. Successful candidates will earn three points in English and three points in each world language from a points matrix, which includes course grades, national and state exams, transcripts, and culminating projects. The NYSSB takes the form of a Seal on the student's diploma and a medallion worn at graduation.
The following students scored 75 % or higher on the NYS Common Core ELA exam and/or attained an overall scale score of 290 on the New York State English as a Second Language Assessment (NYSESLAT), scored an Intermediate High to Advanced High level on the Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) World Language assessment, and scored an Intermediate High to Advanced High on the World Language Culminating Project and Presentation to demonstrate their biliteracy skills in one or more languages, including English. The Lackawanna City School District would like to congratulate the following students on meeting or exceeding these requirements and being awarded the 2022-2023 NYS Seal of Biliteracy:
Saleh Alkhatari
Sara Aloudt Alla
Hussein Alsalahi
Naglah Hussein
Nizam Ja’ara