2024-25 Board Schedule

Meeting dates are subject to change. Check this page for the most current information.

Work Sessions are held at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of each month, unless otherwise specified, in the McKinley Administration Building in the Superintendent's Conference Room, Room 202, 245 S. Shore Blvd., Lackawanna.

Regular Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the Thursday immediately following the second Monday Work Session, unless otherwise specified, in the McKinley Administration Building in the Superintendent's Conference Room, Room 202, 245 S. Shore Blvd., Lackawanna.

Designation for Special Meeting: Any member of the Board may call a Special Meeting of the Board of Education. The Board Clerk will give written notice 24 hours in advance of the meeting and shall ensure that such notice is given to the Superintendent of Schools, School Attorney and School Business Official within the same time frame. In the absence of the Board Clerk, the Office of the Superintendent of Schools will give such notice. Public notice shall be given via newspaper publication. Special meetings will be held at a time designated by the Board’s President or Board’s Vice President, unless a District emergency warrants otherwise.

Public Participation: Members of the audience may address the Board during two public speaking portions of the agenda - at the beginning and at the end of the meeting). There will be a sign-in sheet available and speakers must sign in prior to the start of the meeting to be recognized. There is a three-minute time limit per individual, with a total time limit of 15 minutes per public speaking session. This time is not meant to be a question and answer period, but a chance for the public to express their opinions, make comments, express concerns or ask questions for future responses on agenda items only. The Board of Education will not act on concerns expressed by the public at the meeting, but will take such issues under consideration and advisement for further study and action.

The Board of Education invites and welcomes all to attend the monthly meetings. **NOTE: Anyone who would like to speak at a meeting is asked to email the District Clerk at least 24 hours in advance.

The Board of Education invites and welcomes all individuals to attend the monthly meetings to stay in touch and informed of what is happening in your schools!

Any questions regarding the Board of Education Meetings or Work Sessions may be directed to the Board Clerk at 821-5610, ext. 7706.

Board of Education 2024-25 Meeting Schedule


Meeting Type



June 13, 2024

Board Meeting

Lackawanna High School

7 PM

July 2, 2024

Reorg Meeting

McKinley Administrative Building


July 8

Work Session

McKinley Administrative Building

6 PM

July 11

Board Meeting

McKinley Administrative Building

7 PM

August 12

Work Session

McKinley Administrative Building

6 PM

August 15

Board Meeting

McKinley Administrative Building

7 PM

September 9

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

September 12

Board Meeting

Truman Elementary

7 PM

October 15

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

October 17

Board Meeting

MRES Library

7 PM

November 12

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

November 14

Board Meeting

LHS Library

7 PM

December 9

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

December 12

Board Meeting

Truman Elementary

7 PM

January 13

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

January 16

Board Meeting

MRES Library

7 PM

February 10

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

February 13

Board Meeting

Lackawanna High School

7 PM

March 13

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

March 13

Board Meeting

McKinley Administration Building

Immediately Following Work Session

April 7

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

April 10

Board Meeting

Truman Elementary

7 PM

May 21

Special Meeting

Work Session

Board Meeting

McKinley Administration Building

5 PM

Immediately Following Special Meeting

Immediately Following Work Session

June 9

Work Session

McKinley Administration Building

6 PM

June 12

Board Meeting

MRES Library

7 PM