Every day a student attends school is another step toward building their future. Consistent attendance doesn’t just prepare them for tests—it prepares them for life.
“When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating.” – Attendance Works
Jill Dougherty
Lackawanna Middle School and Lackawanna High School
Attendance Teacher - 716-821-5610 ext. 2500
McKinney-Vento Liaison (For more info, view the H.E.A.R.T. Resources page.)
Email: jdougherty@lackawannaschools.org
Amanda Kulinski
Martin Road Elementary School and Truman Elementary School
Attendance Teacher - 716-821-5610 ext.2007
McKinney-Vento Liaison (For more info, view the H.E.A.R.T. Resources page.)
Email: akulinski@lackawannaschools.org
Please contact the staff members below to report anticipated absences and/or with specific questions pertaining to your child's attendance:
Lackawanna High School
Alicia Maymi
Lackawanna High School
Email: amaymi@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716-821-5610 ext. 2001
Marlene Kita
Lackawanna High School
Email: mkita@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716-821-5610 ext. 2001
Lackawanna Middle School
Anne Vertino
Lackawanna Middle School
Email: avertino@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716 821-5610 ext. 3000
Tara Ewing
Lackawanna Middle School
Email: tewing@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716 821-5610 ext. 3000
Martin Road Elementary
Jessica Rappa
Martin Road Elementary School
Email: jrappa@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716 821-5610 ext. 4000
Kim Luong
Martin Road Elementary School
Email: kluong@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716 821-5610 ext. 4313
Truman Elementary
Sandra Abdallah
Truman Elementary School
Email: sabdallah@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716 821-5610 ext. 5350
Emma Daley
Truman Elementary School
Email: edaley@lackawannaschools.org
Phone: 716 821-5610 ext. 5741